

Physical release – the act of releasing negativity within your body, mind, and spirit. It’s about letting go of the negative things you’re hanging on to that are causing you harm.


I have four tips to help you overcome that negativity and physically release it from your mind, body and spirit. 



Breathing is an automatic thing for us to do. Our bodies depend on it for survival. But if you take a minute to focus on your breathing, you can take control of it and enter a state of calmness. If you’re new to focus breathing, I recommend starting by laying on your back, closing your eyes, and slowly inhaling for 5 seconds. Hold it for 5 seconds, and then slowly exhale for another 5 seconds. Repeat this a few times and notice your shoulders relax, your jaw unclench, and your mind find calmness.



Meditation might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I urge you to find 10 minutes out of your day for self-care. Find a quiet place, free of distractions (including your phone, kids, pets, etc.) This time is for you, and I encourage you to use it as an opportunity to calm your mind. Again, focus on releasing the tension, stress, pain, and negativity. There are tons of free meditation guides online, on YouTube and on different apps.


Get back to nature:

Have you ever wondered why people always feel good after being outside? According to a Harvard Health Letter published in July 2010, being outside will increase your Vitamin D levels, improve your concentration, and helps you heal faster. Start by going for a walk around your neighbourhood or park. Then, sit by a pond or even walk through the snow. Being in nature is a great way to reset your state of mind.


Have you ever made a to-do list? This is a way to get the things you need to do off your mind and onto paper, that way, you don’t forget them. Well, journaling can have the same effect. Writing an issue down can help you focus on steps to help remedy that issue. You don’t have to be an expert, and it doesn’t have to be perfect. These notes are for you to help you process what you would like to release. Then, you can ponder and reflect on them as you move forward and heal from the harmful effects of stress.

Those are my top four tips to help release negativity you may struggle to let go of. These small steps can help you feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally. It’s one way to find yourself closer to health and peace of mind. 


I release that which will not positively serve me. I invite into my life that which is good, positive, healthy, true, and empowering” – Meagan Saum 

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