
5 Simple Ways to Make New Habits Stick for Good!

A habit is not a one-time task that is achieved and then finished. It’s a lifestyle and becomes something we do without even thinking about it. 


Of course, as humans, we have the power to consciously and subconsciously choose habits. Some habits can present us with challenges and failures and cause more stress than they do good. But, we also can choose habits and change them to fit our goals and lifestyle. 


When trying to implement new habits (or ditch the bad ones), start small, so they are achievable and easy to stick with for the foreseeable future. Remember, new habits are small changes to your everyday life that can make lifelong changes to your future. When your habits match your goals or the changes in your lifestyle, they are easy to be consistent with.  

Finding ways to make your habits stick is key! Here are five ways to make your new habits stick: 

Commit to 30 days:

3- 4 weeks is all you need to make a new habit automatic. However, a month is a good chunk of time to commit to making a change since it’s not too much time and can easily fit into your calendar. 


Make it daily:

Consistency is critical when adding in new habits. Doing something only a few times a week will make it much harder to stick. So whatever your new habit is, find a way to incorporate it into your daily life, at least until it becomes a habit.


Start small and simple:

Do not try to overhaul and change your whole life at once. It’s common to get over-motivated and set huge goals, and want to incorporate a ton of different habits. Instead, start with one habit at a time and limit the amount of time each day. Once the habit sticks, you can increase the amount of time you spend on it and add in a new habit. 

Be OK with being imperfect:

Don’t expect that every habit you try to add or change will be a success. It may take a few tries to incorporate something new into your life. So try your best, but also expect a few bumps along the road.


Write it down:

Writing makes your ideas more clear and focuses you on your end result. For example, when you can write down reasons why you want to create a specific habit and how it would make you feel when it becomes a part of your daily life, you can refer back as a reminder if you find challenges in sticking to your new habit. 

With a small amount of initial discipline, you can create a new habit that requires little effort. What’s one habit you can change that will lead to your success? I would love for you to share with me in the comments.

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