It may seem like a difficult task to work with others who have differing opinions and working styles than you do. However, suppose you can find a way to look past those differences and positively use them. In that case, you can have a very powerful team or working relationship with others that is healthy, creative and successful.
It’s common, especially in business, for someone to think they have the “right” answer to something; they tend to stop listening to other perspectives, knowledge, experience and ideas. This creates conflict and division.
It’s essential in business (and in life) to learn how to work with others who have differing opinions and do things differently from you. As a business owner, it’s important that you don’t undermine you’re team or clients by openly criticizing their opinions. However, it’s perfectly acceptable to be open and honest about their opinions as long as it’s done in a respectful way.
So, how to work with others who have different opinions from you or do things differently? Here are four ways to help you learn to work successfully with people that are different than you:
Engage in healthy debate and discussions
Take an active interest in what others bring to the table by asking them for their ideas and input. You open yourself up to the person and new possibilities by doing this.
Pinpoint areas of strength and zones of genius
Everyone has a unique set of strengths that are different from yours. When you understand them and make the most of them, you can achieve more as a team, where everyone contributes the best of themselves. Ultimately this will help reduce the risk of competition as people feel unique needed in their role.
Let go of needing to be right
Remind yourself that your opinion or solution might not be the right or only one. The first step to managing different opinions is to welcome all options rather than fearing them. When two people or more have different opinions, start by viewing it as a good thing and think about how you can learn from each view. The solution may lie in a combination of different opinions.
Differences and tensions are often the results of a lack of communication. If you’re the business owner, it’s crucial to communicate openly with your team regularly. If you are a team member, speak up and share and do your bit to create the right atmosphere.
It’s essential to learn to stay open, kind and curious in all relationships. Each person has something to bring to the table, and when we can learn to listen and communicate openly, amazing things happen!