
It’s time to change your mindset! 5 daily tasks to help improve your mindset

I know you’ve heard me talk about mindset – it’s pretty similar to “outlook” and acts as your life foundation. Mindset consists of your beliefs, thoughts, and feelings. Those three things combined impact your actions in any given situation. 


How many times have you gotten out of bed and thought, “well, today’s going to be awful,”… and then the whole day is awful. And not necessarily because anything specific happened; it’s just the mindset you are in. You woke up, rolled out of bed, and told yourself that the day would be awful, and so it was. 


That’s a negative mindset, and we know that negativity is a vicious circle. When you have a negative thought, it creates negative emotions and produces negative actions. But what if I told you that positivity works in the same way? A positive outlook will evoke positive emotions, therefore allowing you to act positively!

I am going to share a few things you can do each day to shift your mindset and your life:

Start your day with a positive affirmation:

As I mentioned above, how you start your morning sets the tone for your whole day. Starting your day with a negative emotion and pessimistic outlook will carry over throughout your day. When you open your eyes, tell yourself, “today is going to be a good day.” “I’m excited for what the day will bring.” You will be amazed at how your outlook and, ultimately, your day changes.


Turn “failures” into lessons:

There will be times in your life when you make mistakes and fail. Instead of focusing on that, think about what you could do differently or better for the next time. 


Change your self-talk:

Have you ever paid much attention to the way you speak to yourself? We can be hard on ourselves and might not even notice it. So take note of your self-talk; if you find it harmful, work on changing it to be more supportive and positive. 

Practice gratitude:

I love this one! Spend time each day writing down what you’re grateful for can vastly improve your outlook. I challenge you to write down three things you are grateful for each day. Notice how it changes your mood and outlook. 


Write it down:

Writing makes your ideas more clear and focuses you on your end result. For example, when you can write down reasons why you want to create a specific habit and how it would make you feel when it becomes a part of your daily life, you can refer back as a reminder if you find challenges in sticking to your new habit. 

The next time you find yourself in a negative mindset, refer back to these suggestions and see how you can change your thinking. I know it will be challenging, but I promise you’ll have positive results. Start by creating a positive morning routine with an affirmation to start your day. 

Remember, your mindset is an essential aspect of achieving your goals. A negative mindset won’t come in handy in supporting your goals. You won’t be able to undo years of pessimism and negative thoughts overnight, but with some practice, you can learn how to approach things with a more positive outlook. 

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