
It’s time to start focusing on your own beliefs rather than those around you!

If you want to succeed in business you NEED to stop letting the opinions of others control you! When you run your business based on what others say to do, you will end up running in every direction to please different people with different things and never doing what YOU want. 


In order to reach all the things you desire in life, you need to learn to tune out the opinions of everyone around you. (Now, that’s not to say you should never listen to the opinions around you, but when you take the advice of EVERYONE – it can make life difficult). 


So, how do you go about tuning out everyone’s ideas and focus on the ideas and opinions you have? Let me give you a few ideas. 

Take Responsibility:

There are times when we worry about what others think and it’s a projection of our own fears and self-judgement. When we take responsibility for letting go of others judgements, or perceived judgements, we end up empowering ourselves.


Stop Comparing:

When it comes to business, you need to turn the other cheek and stop looking at what others are doing. When we look at what others are doing it can be easy to compare where we are to where they are – however you don’t know the journey they have been on to get to where they are. When you drop the comparison and focus on your own goals you actually reach those goals and in the end, be much happier.


Increase your self-confidence:

One of the best ways to stop caring so much about what others think is to build your confidence and self-worth. When your confidence is high you no longer second guess yourself or look to outside sources for approval.

Set boundaries:

This is another key component when running a business. Boundaries are crucial in avoiding burnout but also in filtering the kind of people you surround yourself with. If you keep people close who project their ideas and opinions constantly, it may be time to look at that relationship and find ways to set some boundaries.

It’s common for entrepreneurs to “follow the pack” for fear of failure. But remember, what is right for one business owner may not be right for YOU. Your business path and success will be different and unique just like you are. It takes some work but it’s so worth not living your life and running your business based solely on other people.

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