
Revive Life Coaching

Life Coaching with Meagan Saum is a resilience-based, solution-focused approach that deep dives into unearthing and expanding your self-awareness, and dropping into who you are at your core.

The coaching journey is transformation centered so that you develop a better understanding of your why’s, who you are, adopt an unwavering belief in yourself, and discover how to create a life you feel fully satisfied with.

Common areas of exploration and improvement are:

Becoming intentional

Reducing stress driven symptoms (overwhelm, anxiety, depression, anger, lack of motivation, exhaustion, negative self-perception, etc…)

Personal goal setting

Healthy boundaries & relationships

Shifting your mindset

Acknowledging and rewriting the impact of your past (trauma, shame, patterns, beliefs)

Perspective and mental organization

Emotional resilience

Living a more connected life in body, mind & soul. (self-compassion, lifestyle, balance, accountability, connection, self-acceptance, self-care & nourishment).

Do you think you might need a little bit more support diving into this? No problem – Meagan understands which is why she is offering an Upgrade to have her for one-on-one coaching as well.

Packages can be paid in one to three installments.

In-person or Online Sessions:

Download my Confidence Building Workbook Today!

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