
Why Self-Care is Important and 4 Easy Ways to Add it to Your Daily Life!

Self-care has become a huge buzzword over the last few years. I think many people envision spa days, eating chocolates, and getting massages when they hear self-care.


However, we need to stop thinking of self-care as a luxury when in reality it’s truly a necessity. Remember, you are your greatest asset and, if you want success in your career, you need to make caring for yourself a priority every day. Taking care of your mind and body can help boost your confidence, and it’s the key to establishing a healthy, successful, and happy you.


I like to think of self-care as any action you take that helps take care of yourself, whether it’s reducing stress or otherwise improving your mental and physical well-being.


I believe self-care is critical for anyone looking to live a balanced, healthy, and fulfilling life. Finding ways to make it a habit in your daily life will lead to improved mental and physical well-being as well as helping you to become more productive.


Here are just a few reasons why self-care matters to your success:


Avoid burnout:

Let’s be honest – if you’re working 60 hour weeks, answering calls and emails at all hours of the day (and weekend), you’re going to burn out. Failing to take time for yourself and setting boundaries to protect your time and energy will ultimately lead to burnout. Finding time each day to unplug and shut off from work, messages, and emails will help to keep you motivated and engaged.

Positive energy:

When you take good care of yourself, you give off a positive energy that leads to attracting potential clients. If you’re overly stressed and, unorganized people will sense that and may avoid hiring you.


Boosts productivity: 

Taking breaks through your day to relax your mind has been proven to boost productivity. Even in your busiest time, take 10 minutes to meditate, stretch or take a quick walk outside. It will work wonders! 


Now that we know WHY self-care is important to our lives, here are a few things examples of self-care you can add to your day (remember – it’s not about spa days and fancy chocolate):


Utilize time blocking:

If you are easily distracted or find yourself jumping from one task to the next, it may be helpful to use time blocking. When you can focus on one thing at a time and cut out distractions, it can also help to cut down on your stress and feelings of anxiety. Remember – self-care doesn’t need to be a specific time or activity. It can be doing things throughout your day and work that cut down on negative feelings and energies.

Delegate and outsource: 

Outsource the tasks that drain your energy, suck up your time and overall not worth it. Investing in team members may be tight financially at first, but over time a good team will help you to grow and expand your business. Plus, with less stress, you are able to fully focus on your business and the things that light you up! 


Say “no”: 

This may be one of the hardest self-care tips but also one of the biggest! When we start saying no to every request and invitation, we open ourselves up to being able to say yes to things that are more fulfilling and aligned with our goals. This tip does take practice but, it is so beneficial. 



Just because you run a business doesn’t mean you need to be plugged into your phone, emails and social media at all times. Taking time each day to disconnect is a great way to practice self-care. Spend that time resting, reading, meditating, moving your body or any other activity that helps you to recharge. 

When you don’t take care of your mind and body, it’s hard to fully show up and perform to the best of your ability. If you want to avoid burnout and gain the success you dream of, you need to start taking care of yourself!


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